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Professional astrology is a far cry from the crystal ball reading, back-of-the-magazine horoscope section, mystical practice of our misconceptions. Instead, it’s an opportunity to learn about our predetermined makeup, using what we know about the position of the planets around the sun at the time of our birth as a user manual for guiding our life and our choices.

As an esoteric science or a science wherein human insights are incorporated into the methodology, astrology evaluates individuals’ places within the patterns of nature and the universe.

Professional astrologer, author, artist, and speaker, and Genius of Wellness Podcast guest Leslie McGuirk explains, “everything in nature has a pattern, whether it’s a tree trunk or a snowflake, we have a pattern that we were born with, and we are part of this cosmic system.”

She continued, “and when you think about the fact that the moon is a rock in space that regulates every body of water on the earth, and we’re 90 percent water, there’s a correlation” to its effect on human behavior. And the moon is just one rock in space.

Professional astrology revolves around this idea, that planets and their constant shifting and positioning around the sun and the earth have an effect on humans. From this notion, birth charts are generated for clients based on that positioning at the time and place of their birth.

With these charts, in an age-old practice, an astrologer can identify your predispositions, reading them like a user’s manual for your life.

Having your birth chart professionally interpreted can uncover the strengths, weaknesses, and potential pitfalls hardwired into your makeup. This reading takes a zoomed out approach, examining your existence from a higher viewpoint, setting you up to better navigate your life and your choices.

So can you read my future?

In professional practice, astrologers do not read the future, nor do they discount the relevance of free will. Instead, they rely on patterns determined by thousands of years of interpretation, uncovering how those patterns uniquely relate to and affect you.

McGuirk expounds, “The chart is just like your [car’s] owner’s manual. It has absolutely zero control over your vehicle. It cannot predict the future other than, if I say you’re a gas engine and I know you’re putting diesel in it, you’re going to break down.”

In this identification, you can lean into your strengths and better prepare for the things with which you predisposed to struggle, developing strategies to live your life to its highest potential.