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In her time spent traveling and working as a provider, Dr. Hopkins recognized a pattern of unhappy physicians. She began wondering why these talented people with a passion for helping others were so dissatisfied with their careers and worried that unhappy doctors may have a harder time providing quality care to their patients.

So what are some of the problems physicians are facing?

  1. The overwhelming debt due to cost of medical school is driving students to choose careers in high cost specialties, leaving only 1/3 of medical students in the United States pursuing a career in primary care.
  2. The lack of education in practice management leaves young doctors turning to large box institutions where they have little independence and overwhelmed by corporate policy.
  3. A lack of confidence in the ability to take control of their careers, in addition to the restrictions they face in providing quality care, is leading to wide-spread dissatisfaction.

These individuals, who have overcome obstacles all throughout their education are not a typical workforce – they are designed to be leaders. They have the skills to outperform, to focus under pressure, and most of all a desire to serve other people.

Can the health industry foster an environment that encourages economic independence among these young leaders? With freedom to provide better care – to spend time with patients and develop relationships – our healthcare professionals can find satisfaction. Because doctors who are satisfied with their job provide better care.

At Hopkins Medical Group, we believe in a system where these highly talented men and women can take advantage of the best technology in the most efficient way. Where doctors have access to resources to give the absolute best care to their patients.